
В Денвере открылась выставка, посвященная дизайну защитных масок (фото)

23 октября 2020 21:57

В галерее Vicki Myhren Gallery в Денвере представили выставку MASK, в рамках которой художники переосмысляют защитные маски, обязательные в эпоху COVID-19, сообщает Hyperallergic. В экспозицию вошли маски, сделанные из оберток от презервативов, ткани, бумаги, дерева, пластиковых бутылок, керамики, замков, строительных материалов и одноразовых перчаток.

Художники расписали и расшили маски вручную, делая отсылки к ритуальным аксессуарам народов мира, работам живописцев эпохи Ренессанса, абстрактным ощущениям или животным. Так, маска Хизер Кокс Octopus повторяет очертания осьминога и посвящена пластичности и гибкости, необходимым для выживания.

Организаторы проекта хотели напомнить о том, что наличие маски в общественных местах — это необходимая мера безопасности и гражданская обязанность каждого. При этом такое средство защиты не мешает проявлять свою индивидуальность и может стать полем для самовыражения. В выставке приняли участие 40 художников, уточняет birdinflight.

Mask wearing has become a sign of a compassionate act. Worn to protect one another, the Coronavirus mask also, unfortunately, obscures one of the most genuine expressions of human communication, the smile. Burgess' mask with its upturned corners and colorful visage, is dedicated to all of our unseen smiles during these challenging times. This mask is currently on view in our show MASK. Click the link in bio to reserve a timeslot to see work by Burgess and more. Work pictured is Scottie Burgess, "For our Unseen Smiles" (2020), bamboo, twine, and acetate. 😀🌈#vickimyhrengallery #VMG #universityofdenver #artinthetimeofcovid19 #scottieburgess #MASKexhibition #denverart #denverartists

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Ghana native Serge Attukwei Clottey created several masks for VMG’s current exhibition. Dr. Clottey’s wide range of work reexamines the functionality of every materials through performance, installations, and photography and sculpture. Often, discarded objects become reborn in his pieces, such as the yellow gallon plastic containers used frequently in his work and in the masks he created for VMG. Originally, these yellow jugs contained cooking oil. Known colloquially as Kufuor gallons, they were once a nearly ubiquitous site in a Ghana’s household, but have been largely discarded in recent years. Dr. Clottey has repurposed them in various projects throughout his career, referencing material culture, trade, and history. He has dubbed his work “Afrogallonism” partly in reference to these remnants of the past and present. #sergeattukweiclottey #afrigallonism #repurposedart #artinthetimeofcovid19 #MASKexhibition #vickimyhrengallery #VMG #denverart #artonviewdenver

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The future is here! Tracy Tomko's mask engages with biology, particularly the idea of symbiotic relationships among species. In this mask, plants filter clean air for the wearer by filtering carbon dioxide into the lower bulbs where it is turned back into breathable oxygen. The blue lights along the mask indicate the level of breathable oxygen in the mask. Tomko's work fuses technology and nature, sparking thoughts about how, in the future, we may be wearing Tomko's air filtering mask technology to survive in a environment with bad air-quality.🌆This is an artwork feature of Tracy Tomko’s work "BYOO (Bring Your Own Oxygen) made of plastic plastic, foam, elastic, glue, from August, 2020. This work is on view in our show MASK, click the link in bio to reserve a time slot to see this work and more! 🌬#vickimyhrengallery #universityofdenver #cleanair #dystopianrealities #tracytomko

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