
Three years after the tragedy: today is the anniversary of the air strike on the Mariupol Drama Theatre

Satellite image of the destroyed Mariupol theatre, 29 March 2022 / Photo by Maxar Technologies
Satellite image of the destroyed Mariupol theatre, 29 March 2022 / Photo by Maxar Technologies

16 March marks the anniversary of one of the occupiers’ most heinous crimes. It was on this day in 2022 that the Russian military dropped two 500kg bombs on the building of the Mariupol Drama Theatre.

‘On the square in front of the theatre and behind it, there were huge inscriptions ‘CHILDREN’ that were clearly visible even from the satellite. However, this did not stop the Russian occupiers,’ the Donetsk Regional State Administration said in a post on social media.

The theatre became a refuge for hundreds of Mariupol residents who lost their homes due to shelling of the city. There was also a gathering point near the building for those waiting to be evacuated through the ‘green corridor’. However, the Russians regularly disrupted these rescue attempts by opening fire at the place where civilians were gathered.

According to the Donetsk regional prosecutor’s office, at least 600 people were killed in the air strike. Almost 400 were injured. The exact number of victims is still impossible to establish as Mariupol is under occupation. After capturing the city, the invaders took the bodies of the dead and buried them in a mass grave.

This tragedy has become one of the most painful symbols of the barbarism of the Russian army and the resilience of the Ukrainian people.

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