
Sikorski is dissatisfied with the pace of work of the Ukrainian side on the issue of exhumation of victims of the Volyn tragedy

5 November 2024 10:46
Radoslaw Sikorski / Photo from open sources
Radoslaw Sikorski / Photo from open sources

Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski has expressed his dissatisfaction with the slow work on the exhumation of the victims of the Volyn tragedy. Ukrainian representative Andriy Sybiga promised that progress on this issue would be made by All Saints’ Day.

Sikorsky said this in an interview with TVN24.

“I must say that I am disappointed… Time has passed, but there is no progress,” Sikorski said.

The Polish foreign minister emphasized that Poland only needs Ukraine’s consent to resume the exhumation process, which was suspended in 2017.

“We believe that the burial of even enemies according to the Christian rite is an important component of European cultural values. And it seems that Ukraine agrees with this, as it allowed the exhumation of 100,000 Wehrmacht soldiers who once came to its land as occupiers,” Sikorski summarized.

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