
The United States and South Korea conducted joint drone strike exercises

1 November 2024 16:15
Illustrative photo from open sources
Illustrative photo from open sources

On November 1, the United States and South Korea conducted joint drone strike exercises. This happened after the DPRK launched an intercontinental ballistic missile.

This was reported by Yonhap, citing the South Korean Air Force.

It was noted that the exercises were conducted with the participation of the South Korean reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle RQ-4B Global Hawk and the American attack drone MQ-9 Reaper.

According to the newspaper, the exercises were based on a scenario of a strike on a source of enemy provocation. The South Korean drone collected data on simulated targets and shared it with the American drone. After receiving the information, the Reaper launched a GBU-38 bomb to precisely hit the target.

According to the source, both sides did not plan to disclose the exercise, but decided to do so as a warning after the DPRK launched an intercontinental ballistic missile.

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