
The battle lasted more than eight hours: Ukrainian special forces show footage of fierce battles with DPRK soldiers

22 January 2025 09:54
Illustrative photo / Command of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Illustrative photo / Command of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Operators of the Special Operations Forces (SOF) killed 21 and wounded 40 North Korean soldiers who were attacking Ukrainian positions in the Kursk region.

“The operators of the 8th Regiment of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine together with friendly infantrymen held back the North Korean attack for more than eight hours with small arms and grenade launchers. Snipers also worked,” the military said.

At the ninth hour of the battle, the SOF soldiers had only a third of their ammunition left. They spent the rest on destroying the enemy.

“The operators decided to exfiltrate – a military tactic to quickly withdraw the group from the battlefield to a safe place. The fighters coordinated their exit on two Humvees,” the Ukrainian Armed Forces added.

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