
Shmyhal said that unemployed people are the first to receive calls.

7 November 2024 11:42
Denis Shmygal / Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
Denis Shmygal / Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

People liable for military service who do not pay taxes were the first to receive calls.

This was announced by the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal during the Kyiv International Economic Forum.

“As of today, 98% of the summonses sent out, which are generated through the Oberig register, are sent to people who do not pay a single hryvnia in taxes and are not registered anywhere. The priority in mobilization today is given to people who are not working, the unemployed. Accordingly, the basis of this principle has already been implemented,” he said.

Employed people have received only 2% of calls over the past two months.


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