
No precipitation in Ukraine at the beginning of the week

1 December 2024 21:01
‘On 1 December, spring suddenly came...’. Ukraine, Kharkiv / Facebook photo by Alexandr Fandikov
‘On 1 December, spring suddenly came...’. Ukraine, Kharkiv / Facebook photo by Alexandr Fandikov

There will be no significant precipitation in Ukraine on Monday, 2 December.

According to the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Centre, there will be fog in Transcarpathia and the Carpathian region at night and in the morning.

The wind will be mostly southeast, 3-8 m/s.

The temperature at night and during the day will be from 3° below zero to 2° above zero; in the west and south of the country, during the day, 1-6° above zero.

In Kyiv, on 2 December, the temperature will be 0-2°C at night and 0-2°C during the day.

On Tuesday, 3 December, there will be no precipitation in Ukraine. Wind of variable directions, 3-8 m/s.

Temperatures at night and during the day will be from 4° below zero to 1° above zero (5-10° below zero at night in the Carpathians, 1-6° above zero during the day in the southern and western regions, up to 10° in the Crimea).

In Kyiv, on 3 December, the wind will be of variable directions, 3-5 m/s. The temperature will be 0-2°C at night and during the day.

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