This was announced by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy on his Telegram channel. According to him, during the week, the Ukrainian Defence Forces destroyed 33 missiles, including ballistic missiles, and 311 attack drones in the skies over Ukraine. Another 136 drones, which the enemy used for daily attacks on infrastructure, did not achieve their goals due to the coordinated work of the military.
‘I am grateful to all our soldiers, military aviation, anti-aircraft gunners, electronic warfare units and mobile fire groups. But the task remains the same: to continue to strengthen the protection of our skies,’ Zelenskyy stressed.
In total, the Russian army used about 550 attack drones, almost 60 missiles of various types and more than 660 aerial bombs over the past week. The President stressed that Ukraine needs more air defence systems, including Patriot, which will enhance the protection of Ukrainian lives, as well as long-range weapons to guarantee the stopping of Russian aggression.