The owner of a pro-Kremlin media was involved in a traffic collision and fell into a coma

The owner of the pro-Kremlin media Readovka, Aleksey Kostylev, has been hospitalised in an extremely serious condition, Baza and 112 reported.

According to 112, doctors diagnosed Kostylev with a head injury, brain haemorrhage, fracture of both legs and a suspected neck fracture. Baza writes that he has a fracture of the skull base, brain contusion and open head injury, as well as blunt trauma to the abdomen and a closed fracture of the pelvic bones. However, this information has not been officially confirmed.

Readovka reported that Kostylev had an accident during his working visit within the framework of the ‘’Many-Child Villages‘’ project in the Smolensk region.

‘An operation was performed during the night and doctors managed to stabilise his condition. Now the head of the Readovka media holding is being prepared for transport to Moscow, where he will continue his recovery under the supervision of doctors,’ the editorial said in a statement.

According to Baza, he is in a coma in an extremely serious condition. Alexei Kostylev is connected to an artificial lung ventilation machine.

Kostylev crashed on a ATV in the village of Rukhan in the Smolensk region the night before. He underwent surgery in a local hospital.